A New Leap – Fibers

Here are the fibers I used for the background.

image by Carmen CS
image, a photo by Carmen CS on Flickr.

The top one is the heavy thread I used for the trees.  Next is a loose spun thread used on the darker meadow areas.  Finally, the lighter meadow areas were stitched using a silk with flames, which means tighter areas and looser areas.  Laid down with long stitches, these fibers show off their irregularities to make a rich background that looks complicated while actually being fast and easy to stitch!

Prayer: Father, thank You that our irregularities make us unique, beautiful, fitted for individual purposes in Your world.

A New Leap – Background Stitching

Rather than leaving the background openwork, I decided to do some fancy stitching with different fibers to make a scene for the leaping lamb.

This was done freehand, using different variegated textured threads.  I stitch the trees first, then fill the landscape in around them and the lamb and Joy.  Fun and quick, as the stitches are long.

image by Carmen CS
image, a photo by Carmen CS on Flickr.

Prayer: Father, thank you for the beauty we each can bring just working in the background.  I pray for those who work quietly to know that they do Your work.

This is the posture…

“…this is the posture we’re supposed to take in our spiritual journeys. God delights for us to cup our hands in prayer and scrunch our faces against the vault of heaven in holy expectation that he will meet us in beautiful, mysterious ways.”

From my morning readings in “Wonderstruck”, by Margaret Feinberg.

I Am a Witness... by Robert Snache - Spirithands.net
I Am a Witness…, a photo by Robert Snache – Spirithands.net on Flickr.

A beloved sister in Christ gave me this book for my birthday.  This is such a timely reminder for me, to look around at the beauty, the terror, the awesomeness of God’s creation and wonder at my place in it and His gifts to me.