Crafting Hands, Praying Hearts Group

You may remember that I was trying to organize a group who wanted to share craft and prayer service.  I have been blessed with 2 ladies from my local church!

image by Carmen CS
image, a photo by Carmen CS on Flickr.

Judy and Carol join me every couple of weeks for 2 hours of stitching and prayer.

Any interest in a Skype group?  I have at least one friend in Maryland who would join in…

At first we catch…

“At first we catch just a glimpse of our dream. It’s vague and blurry. Perhaps a conversation draws our attention or a surprisingly compelling idea pops into our minds in the shower. Slowly that outline begins to fill with more color and detail. Over time we begin to see it, really see it.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

An Artist's Dream by Umair Mohsin
An Artist’s Dream, a photo by Umair Mohsin on Flickr.

I’ve been sharing some of the process of my dream as I get the outlines down.  I invite you to share some of yours, here or anywhere else you choose.  Sharing it helps it come alive!

God-sized dreams aren’t one size fits all…

“God-sized dreams aren’t one size fits all. You and your God-sized dream are perfectly paired by the One who created you both.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

the punk & the conehead by Klifton
the punk & the conehead, a photo by Klifton on Flickr.

Even identical twins are unique.  God made us this way.  Don’t let others force your dream to look like theirs.  I have my own unique dream, and it has its own unique place in God’s plan.  What’s yours?

When properly focused…

“When properly focused, prayer does more than just change one’s life. Prayer reaches out in love to our neighbors and the nations and says, “I care!””

From my morning readings in “The Hour That Changes the World”, by Dick Eastman.

Tony Reveals by Sean Molin Photography
Tony Reveals, a photo by Sean Molin Photography on Flickr.

That sounds great to me.  I want to reach out in love.  NeedlePrayer, for me, is all about reaching out to my neighbors, and even to people I have never met, in love.  Please share how you reach out…

Crafting Hands, Praying Hearts Mission Statement draft

I’ve been working on material to help me present my craft group to potential members.  Here’s a first whack at a mission statement:

[033/365] 14th September by charliebarker

[033/365] 14th September, a photo by charliebarker on Flickr.

The mission of Crafting Hands, Praying Hearts is to use our creativity and our prayer to help those in need.  We will reach out to those struggling, those hurting, those who are heavy laden, identifying people with specific needs rather than generic problems.  We will do this by making tangible pieces infused with prayer, and then give the works to those people as a token of the prayer.

Wah!  Can you tell I’ve worked in the corporate world?  I’ll try to take another whack soon…

Is NeedlePrayer the Right Name…

… for my handcraft prayer group?  It’s the name I chose for my needlepoint ministry, but it seems like it might be too restrictive now I’m looking to do a group with mixed hand crafters.

NeedlePrayer logo by Carmen CS
NeedlePrayer logo, a photo by Carmen CS on Flickr.

I don’t want the name to scare away people working in other modalities.  Especially young people who may be interested in other crafts.

Please let me know what you think, especially any different ideas – mine seem not quite it…

Prayer: Father, if it be your will, please help me to connect with a variety of hand crafters in prayer and service of your Kingdom.

I hope to be starting a NeedlePrayer group…


… this fall.  I’m seeking people who do handcrafts and would like to try combining them with prayer and service.  I will host the meetings in my house in Plumsteadville, PA, and they are open to anyone, although I have limited space and will need to know how many are coming ;-}

Needlepoint Demonstration by Carmen CS
Needlepoint Demonstration, a photo by Carmen CS on Flickr.

Would you like to join in?  Or do you know someone who would?  It will not be limited to needle crafts; I would welcome any kind of handcraft that you can do at least partly in my living room.  Please pass this invitation on!  Men, women, well-behaved children who do crafts all welcome!

Do you have experience with this kind of group and can you give me help in making sure it works well?

Prayer: Father, if it be your will, please help me to share the joy and fulfillment I have found in NeedlePrayer.


Favourite Documentary – The Big Silence

This documentary follows as Abbot Christopher Jamison introduces 5 ordinary people to silent meditation.  The result is fascinating.  Every time I watch this series, I am overwhelmed by a desire to go for a guided silent meditation retreat.  And I have tried to introduce more silence into my life, although I have found this to be very challenging. The Big Silence: Christopher Jamison, Tiger Aspect: Movies & TV.

Have you tried incorporating silent prayer into your daily life?  What have you learned?

The beauty of God demands a response…

“The beauty of God demands a response from us. Maybe your response is a poem or a symphony. Better yet, your response might take the form of a new and creative way to show someone your love and God’s.”

From my morning readings in “Scribbling in the Sand“, by Michael Card.

free 'group' hugs by jessleecuizon
free ‘group’ hugs, a photo by jessleecuizon on Flickr.  Used under Creative Commons Attribution License.

 What do we do that can demonstrate our love?  There are tons of things!  

Why don’t we give more flowers?  I’m planting a cutting garden this year so I can take flowers to the office staff at my church and my doctor’s offices.

What can you do?