We are given power…

“… we are given power to meet the demands and the needs that are waiting for us in the ministry yet to come.

From my morning readings in “The Power of His Presence” by Ray C. Stedman.

 Moon Rise behind the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm by “Caveman Chuck” Coker

Moon Rise behind the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm, a photo by “Caveman Chuck” Coker on Flickr.

I always think the power must come from me.  I’m doing this, aren’t I?  But no.  Things go much better if I look to Him for the wisdom and the power.

By his words and his example…

“By His words and His example, Jesus taught us to reach out to people in need. If we preach only the spiritual side of the gospel and fail to live out the compassionate side of the gospel, then we become like the Levite and the Pharisee in the parable of the Good Samaritan (see Luke 10:33), passing by human suffering with a shrug of indifference.”

from “Friend of God, the Legacy of Abraham, Man of Faith” by Ray C. Stedman

Contemplari by Lawrence OP
Contemplari, a photo by Lawrence OP on Flickr.

We are called upon not just to think on God, but to act in His kingdom, for His children.  I thought for a long time that my chronic illness made this impossible for me.  Those of you who have been sharing my journey know that I found that that is not true.

I invite you to think about how you can act for God, and to put those ideas into place!


The greatest force…

“The greatest force in the world today, without a doubt, is love. And yet it is the kind of power that does not threaten or break apart or destroy; it gathers and heals. … So the dove is an apt symbol of the new life our Lord came to teach.”

From my morning readings in “The Power of His Presence” by Ray C. Stedman.


Holy Spirit by h.koppdelaney

Holy Spirit, a photo by h.koppdelaney on Flickr.  Used under Creative Commons Attribution License.

The power of love is something each of us can own and claim.  It is there for us regardless of our class, job, strength, health, intelligence.  We can claim the dove and do His work, in our everyday life, by the little things as well as the big.

Faith is the answer to fear…

“This is why people become afraid – because they lose faith. Faith is the answer to fear

“‘Remember, the boat will not sink, and the storm will not last forever. That is having faith – to remember those facts.”

From my morning readings in “The Power of His Presence” by Ray C. Stedman.

Jesus calming the sea by cruisingat60
Jesus calming the sea, a photo by cruisingat60 on Flickr.

When I’m having a bad spell or things are going wrong, it’s easy to get sidetracked into anxiety.  But once I remember to take it to God, all is easier.  The boat will not sink – I will make it through my troubles with God’s help – and the storm will not last forever.

The Spirit descending on Him like a dove…

“The Spirit of God must come upon us. This is not so that we can perform dramatic acts, but, rather, so that we can have a new quality of life that is beautiful and resistless, yet quiet and gentle.”

From my morning readings in “The Power of His Presence” by Ray C. Stedman.

Saturday Early Morning by Recovering Sick Soul
Saturday Early Morning, a photo by Recovering Sick Soul on Flickr. Used under Creative Commons Attribution License.