Serving without Intruding

Once I decided to make a piece for someone I had never met, investing in them time, creativity, and prayer, I had to decide how much I wanted to intrude into their life.  My first thought was to stay totally apart from them, to send the finished piece totally anonymously.  It was to be a gift from God, without a person attached.

But wiser heads told me to include my name, that it would make the gift more real somehow.  I hope I have been able to steer a steady course in my NeedlePrayer ministry between intrusion and service.

Emilee Sunrise 12x12 f by Carmen CS
Emilee Sunrise 12×12 f, a photo by Carmen CS on Flickr.

This is another piece I made for the young lady with cancer.  Because I had shared who I was, I was able to ask her what kind of design she would like stitched during her major surgery.  She asked for a beach sunrise; I know she enjoyed this finished design!


Ministering to a Loss…

Recently I heard of a family connected with my church which had suffered a terrible, traumatic, unexpected loss.  I began to pray for them, and to seek guidance on what kind of NeedlePrayer piece, if any, would be appropriate for them.

Of course, I was drawn to Psalm 23, the Valley of Shadow, and how we need not fear “for Thou art with me.”

Then I began looking for a photograph that fitted my image.  I picked this wonderful photo by Trey Ratcliff.

The Gentle Rays by Stuck in Customs
The Gentle Rays, a photo by Stuck in Customs on Flickr.

What made this the photo was the way the valley is in such deep shadow, but the light shines golden above and rays are starting to shine down into the gloom.

Based on this, I have made this design:

Valley-of-Shadow by Carmen CS
Valley-of-Shadow, a photo by Carmen CS on Flickr.

What do you think?  Would this be comforting to you if you had recently suffered a loss?