This is the posture…

“…this is the posture we’re supposed to take in our spiritual journeys. God delights for us to cup our hands in prayer and scrunch our faces against the vault of heaven in holy expectation that he will meet us in beautiful, mysterious ways.”

From my morning readings in “Wonderstruck”, by Margaret Feinberg.

I Am a Witness... by Robert Snache -
I Am a Witness…, a photo by Robert Snache – on Flickr.

A beloved sister in Christ gave me this book for my birthday.  This is such a timely reminder for me, to look around at the beauty, the terror, the awesomeness of God’s creation and wonder at my place in it and His gifts to me.

The world’s standard…

“The essence of the world’s standard is that it sets self in the centre; the essence of the Christian standard is that it sets Christ and others in the centre.”

From my morning readings in “The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians”, Daily Study Bible Series, by William Barclay.

Bromley Solo Violin by markvall
Bromley Solo Violin, a photo by markvall on Flickr.

The focus is on service.  Not just for people we know and love, but for all of God’s creation.  Which doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t start at home, as it were.  But many of my NeedlePrayer projects are for people I have never met, and I never meet them.  But I love them because God does.

A friendship which does not grow closer…

“A friendship which does not grow closer with the years tends to vanish with the years. And it is the same with us and God.”

From my morning readings in “The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians”, Daily Study Bible Series, by William Barclay.

No Boundaries by premasagar
No Boundaries, a photo by premasagar on Flickr.

I believe that friendship to be the cornerstone of each of our lives.  And how do we grow our friendships?  By giving time to our friends.  By sharing with them.  Laughing with them.  Crying with them.  Telling them what is in our hearts.

But also, crucially, by listening to them.  Trying to understand them.  Concerning ourselves with what concerns them.

Prayer lets us do all of these things!

The hardest choices…

“I remember my wise mentor in college, Beth English, used to say, ‘Holley, the hardest choices in life are not between bad and good. They are between good and best.'”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

Choices by dianecordell
Choices, a photo by dianecordell on Flickr.

When we give to God, we want to give the best.  But sometimes that can stop us from giving at all.  I frequently have to urge myself to keep working on a prayer piece on days when my brain is fried and it’s hard for me to pray coherently.  But not working on the piece would be worse.  Give your good, but look out for how to give your best!

What you’re looking for…

“What you’re looking for here is momentum and progress. Have you ever tried to steer a parked car? It’s a tough proposition. Just get in gear and start heading down the road. The rest will work itself out as you go.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

Super S - 2 by Matthew Fang

Super S – 2, a photo by Matthew Fang on Flickr.

It’s so easy to just keep saying, “My plan isn’t quite ready yet.  I’ll start when it is.”  But the bottom line is that the journey is not going to match the plan anyway.  Pick a direction.  Start moving.  Then worry about the details.

In all you do…

“Pray that in all you do, his purposes will prevail.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

Mother Teresa Wallpaper Quote by FredMikeRudy
Mother Teresa Wallpaper Quote, a photo by FredMikeRudy on Flickr.

This is important.  It’s not about my agenda.  It’s about His purposes.

Reaching for Faith – Framed!

I decided to have “Reaching for Faith” professionally blocked and framed.  Here it is, complete!

Reaching for Faith Framed by Carmen CS
Reaching for Faith Framed, a photo by Carmen CS on Flickr.

Prayer: Father, I praise You and thank You for making us artists, in Your image.  Help me to do my art for Your glory.

Seeking the Beloved on Christmas

I’ve been meaning to write a Christmas message for the blog and not getting it done.  This morning I received this lovely gift from a dear friend and sister in Christ: Seeking the Beloved: A Prayer Journey with St. John of the Cross eBook: Wayne Simsic: Kindle Store.

Starting to read, I came across this to share with you all:

“If prayer is fundamentally an expression of love— a single-hearted reaching out to the Other in a love relationship— it is more simple than any technique or way of praying. The most important thing in prayer is the heart’s inclination in relation to God.”

Simsic, Wayne (2012-03-28). Seeking the Beloved: A Prayer Journey with St. John of the Cross (Kindle Locations 119-121). The Word Among Us Press. Kindle Edition.

Praying for the inclination of all our hearts, and wishing you a blessed Christmas!


When God comes through…

“Pray with thanks when God comes through beyond all you could have imagined.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

Reducing the risk of crop failure has created a more sustainable community by Gates Foundation
Reducing the risk of crop failure has created a more sustainable community, a photo by Gates Foundation on Flickr.

And pray with hope while you’re waiting for Him!

Reaching for Faith – Stitched!

Here is the fully stitched piece.

You can see that the canvas has gotten somewhat distorted during stitching.  Blocking the piece will correct this.

Reaching - Unblocked 2 by Carmen CS
Reaching – Unblocked 2, a photo by Carmen CS on Flickr.

Prayer: Father, the process of going through life can stretch us.  Thank You that Your grace and love can always bring us back to our full beauty, as You intended us to be.