The world’s standard…

“The essence of the world’s standard is that it sets self in the centre; the essence of the Christian standard is that it sets Christ and others in the centre.”

From my morning readings in “The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians”, Daily Study Bible Series, by William Barclay.

Bromley Solo Violin by markvall
Bromley Solo Violin, a photo by markvall on Flickr.

The focus is on service.  Not just for people we know and love, but for all of God’s creation.  Which doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t start at home, as it were.  But many of my NeedlePrayer projects are for people I have never met, and I never meet them.  But I love them because God does.

A friendship which does not grow closer…

“A friendship which does not grow closer with the years tends to vanish with the years. And it is the same with us and God.”

From my morning readings in “The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians”, Daily Study Bible Series, by William Barclay.

No Boundaries by premasagar
No Boundaries, a photo by premasagar on Flickr.

I believe that friendship to be the cornerstone of each of our lives.  And how do we grow our friendships?  By giving time to our friends.  By sharing with them.  Laughing with them.  Crying with them.  Telling them what is in our hearts.

But also, crucially, by listening to them.  Trying to understand them.  Concerning ourselves with what concerns them.

Prayer lets us do all of these things!

The hardest choices…

“I remember my wise mentor in college, Beth English, used to say, ‘Holley, the hardest choices in life are not between bad and good. They are between good and best.'”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

Choices by dianecordell
Choices, a photo by dianecordell on Flickr.

When we give to God, we want to give the best.  But sometimes that can stop us from giving at all.  I frequently have to urge myself to keep working on a prayer piece on days when my brain is fried and it’s hard for me to pray coherently.  But not working on the piece would be worse.  Give your good, but look out for how to give your best!

What you’re looking for…

“What you’re looking for here is momentum and progress. Have you ever tried to steer a parked car? It’s a tough proposition. Just get in gear and start heading down the road. The rest will work itself out as you go.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

Super S - 2 by Matthew Fang

Super S – 2, a photo by Matthew Fang on Flickr.

It’s so easy to just keep saying, “My plan isn’t quite ready yet.  I’ll start when it is.”  But the bottom line is that the journey is not going to match the plan anyway.  Pick a direction.  Start moving.  Then worry about the details.

The primary requirement…

“The primary requirement is a longing after God.”

From my morning readings in “A Celebration of Discipline“, by Richard J. Foster.

Safe Fortress by Ian Sane
Safe Fortress, a photo by Ian Sane on Flickr.

Afraid that you may not be suitable for a close relationship with God?  Remember this!

In all you do…

“Pray that in all you do, his purposes will prevail.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

Mother Teresa Wallpaper Quote by FredMikeRudy
Mother Teresa Wallpaper Quote, a photo by FredMikeRudy on Flickr.

This is important.  It’s not about my agenda.  It’s about His purposes.

When God comes through…

“Pray with thanks when God comes through beyond all you could have imagined.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

Reducing the risk of crop failure has created a more sustainable community by Gates Foundation
Reducing the risk of crop failure has created a more sustainable community, a photo by Gates Foundation on Flickr.

And pray with hope while you’re waiting for Him!

Pray for wisdom…

“Pray for wisdom when you’re not sure which way to go.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

bible with stained glass reflection by melanerpist
bible with stained glass reflection, a photo by melanerpist on Flickr.

I’d go further.  I say pray for wisdom even when I think I know which way to go.  Pray for wisdom.

By his words and his example…

“By His words and His example, Jesus taught us to reach out to people in need. If we preach only the spiritual side of the gospel and fail to live out the compassionate side of the gospel, then we become like the Levite and the Pharisee in the parable of the Good Samaritan (see Luke 10:33), passing by human suffering with a shrug of indifference.”

from “Friend of God, the Legacy of Abraham, Man of Faith” by Ray C. Stedman

Contemplari by Lawrence OP
Contemplari, a photo by Lawrence OP on Flickr.

We are called upon not just to think on God, but to act in His kingdom, for His children.  I thought for a long time that my chronic illness made this impossible for me.  Those of you who have been sharing my journey know that I found that that is not true.

I invite you to think about how you can act for God, and to put those ideas into place!


Words of praise…

“Pray words of praise when things go well.”

From my morning readings in “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, by Holley Gerth.

Praise by EL@Seattle
Praise, a photo by EL@Seattle on Flickr.

Words of praise are so important.  Just praying them can change our hearts.  If I always go to God asking for things, I don’t recognize, I don’t notice what I have.  And I have so much!

If I don’t pray words of praise when things go well, it’s so easy for me to get discouraged.  To fail to notice progress.  To give up on my dream…